Why Football is better than Cricket?


7 Reasons Why Football is better than Cricket

Football is considered to be the most popular sport globally. Its widespread popularity can be attributed to its simplicity, accessibility, and its ability to bring people from different cultures and backgrounds together. The game’s universal appeal transcends language and cultural barriers, making it a global phenomenon and the most popular sport in the world.

Cricket is a globally popular sport that is recognized for its unique gameplay and rich cultural heritage. While it is also regarded as one of the most competitive sports, it is not as popular as football, which is considered the world’s most renowned sport. This article will explore some compelling reasons why football is superior to other sports, including cricket. So, settle in and enjoy the read.

Here are 7 reasons Why Football is better than Cricket:

1) Keep calm with the safety gear on

Football gear is hassle-free and economical, a football is all you need to get the fans roaring across the stadium. Meanwhile, cricket requires a conventional wooden bat, ball, helmet, gloves, stumps, and an entire kit of equipment. Football is effortless and beats the unnecessary production costs for every forthcoming match.

2) Global enthusiasm and support

Football is a game of diversity, a known-to-all sport of action. While cricket is more of a regionally bound sport in most scenarios. With over 200 recognized football clubs and federations, cricket lacks behind the scenes with a smaller tally of 106. Among these, only 10 have a notable legacy, the rest remain nonfunctional.

3) Say no to slow-motion replays

For every trivial situation in cricket, comes an exhaustive long session of replays and a referee’s opinion poll. Imagine yourself sitting with cola, all set to enjoy the match, but all you see is a loop of sloth-like repetitive broadcasting for minutes. No such lags and complex mind-numbing rules in the case of football.

4) Fandom like no other

Just the fandom and vibe worldwide are enough to feel the chills. The overwhelming response to FIFA is unfathomable, the cheering, ambiance, ecstasy, and zest are beyond any Cricket match you’ve ever seen. There’s no seat that goes unoccupied!

5) All breaks and no game steals away the charm

With every goal that keeps you on your toes, you know in your guts, the game is going to be wholesome yet breathtakingly engrossing. Meanwhile, the midway cricket commercials will definitely make you crack open your TV set or aimlessly switch between channels.

6) Game or a sleepy lullaby?

Cricket formats like Test Matches and Twenty20 go on for days and continuous hours. Such enormous schedules make it boring to catch up with the pace, opting out to watch an interesting football game for 90 minutes with your friends is way more exciting. After all, you signed up for a joyful evening, not some dreary slow paced lullaby to put you to sleep. Keep it short, subtle, and surreal with football!

7) Love and football, both are in the air

And so is your hunger to watch your favorite footballers make that spin, drifting the ball across the horizon. The fight is real, Messi or Ronaldo no matter who you worship, there’s always something fresh to follow. Every time a key cricketer leaves the pitch, the thrill of the Cricket match withers off too, while Football keeps you hooked for more from your favorites throughout. It is not just a sport but an enthralling emotional roller coaster, breaking down geographical boundaries and steering a unified fan base around the globe!

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