Animals capable of sensing impending Earthquakes


Earthquakes are one of the most destructive natural disasters that can strike without warning, leaving devastating effects in their wake. While seismologists continue to develop new technologies to predict earthquakes, there are also some animals that have been observed exhibiting unusual behavior prior to an earthquake.

These animals are believed to have a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity to changes in the earth’s magnetic and electrical fields, as well as changes in the environment around them. Let’s take a closer look at some of the animals that are believed to be able to predict earthquakes.

  1. Dogs

Earthquake - Dogs

Dogs are known for their keen sense of smell, but they may also have the ability to sense changes in the environment before an earthquake. There have been numerous reports of dogs acting strangely in the days leading up to an earthquake, including barking excessively, whining, or even running away from their homes. Some experts believe that dogs are able to sense the release of gases that occur before an earthquake, while others think that they are able to detect changes in the earth’s magnetic field.

  1. Cats

Earthquake - cats

Like dogs, cats have also been observed exhibiting strange behavior before an earthquake. Some cat owners have reported their pets becoming agitated, meowing excessively, or hiding in unusual places. It’s unclear why cats exhibit these behaviors, but some experts speculate that it may be due to their acute sensitivity to changes in the environment.

  1. Birds

Earthquake - Birds

Birds have been observed flying in unusual patterns before an earthquake, and some species have been known to flee the area entirely. For example, in 1975, a colony of adelie penguins on King George Island abandoned their nests just hours before a major earthquake. It’s believed that birds are able to detect changes in the earth’s magnetic field, which may prompt them to flee the area.


  1. Fish

Fish predicting earthquake

Fish have also been observed exhibiting strange behavior before an earthquake, including swimming erratically or jumping out of the water. Some experts believe that fish are able to detect changes in the electrical field generated by the movement of tectonic plates, while others think that they may be responding to changes in water pressure. One of the famous fish known for predicting earthquake is Oarfish.

  1. Snakes

snakes predicting earthquake

Snakes are believed to be able to detect changes in the earth’s magnetic field, which may prompt them to move to higher ground before an earthquake. In some cases, snakes have been observed emerging from their dens in large numbers just before an earthquake, which has led to the belief that they are able to sense impending seismic activity.

While the idea of animals predicting earthquakes may seem far-fetched, there have been numerous anecdotal reports of these events over the years. While some of these reports may be exaggerated or simply coincidental, there is evidence to suggest that certain animals are more sensitive to changes in the environment than humans are. While scientists continue to study the connection between animals and earthquakes, it’s clear that there is still much we have to learn about the natural world and the ways in which it communicates with us.

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